Strange, Edible, and Sacred Mushrooms of Andean Ecuador

4 years ago

South America is full of natural wonders, from the Amazon rainforest, to the desserts of Chile and Peru. Because of this, its vast array of fantastic fungi are often overlooked.
In this short video I will share with you a few of the most bizarre, delicious, and powerfully entheogenic mushrooms that I encountered in my many foraging missions in the Andes near Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Some that bleed, some that smell like death, and some that bruise bright blue when handled. I even managed to turn up one of the Teonanácatl strains used ceremonially by the tribes of Meso-America, Psilocybe Caerulescen.
Another highlight is hydnellum peckii, the bleeding tooth fungus. The enzymes produced by the fungus convert organic compounds into more absorbable forms, and improve the plant’s mineral absorption capabilities. In return, it gets fixed carbon from the host. This type of mutualistic association that is particularly beneficial to the host is termed as ectomycorrhizal relationship.
A mantoid alien makes an appearance. Truly one of the strangest creatures that I have ever encountered.

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