May 30th 2022

2 years ago

Between now and years end everything will happen In real time. What we will see is the following. Current Fiat dollar crash to include the current stock market. The housing market crash for readjustment. Gas and food increases until a crash happens.
As this happens we will see QFS ( quantum financial system also known as NESARA/ Gesara roll in. Uncle Nikola Tesla Technology including Med Bed healing technology for all countries on planet earth.
Once this takes place there will be an election with in 120 days upon QFS implementation. It could be considered a special election.
During this time over the next months we will see the Durham trial and arrests from November 2020 election as it has to make sense to those not yet awake as we have already arrested many. Gitmo has been busy. We have barges off GITMO as we needed more room. Many have been dealt with and tried including Hollywood ( Hollywood is closed down, DC CLOSED DOWN TUNNELS UNDERGROUND CHILDREN TRAFFICED AND Tortured.
Hollywood, sporting industry, politicians all in child trafficking and Adrina chrome have been arrested have already been tried or they have ankle monitors on awaiting their trials. Main stream media has also been to Guantánamo Bay. Main stream media has ankle monitors on while they tell you the nightly news or the morning news. Unfortunately they have no incentive to tell the truth as they know they will get life imprisonment or executions coming so they are still telling their own agenda which was agenda 21. Agenda 21 was the plan to depopulate the world. The Plandemic as it has come to be called was #Agenda21 A plan to depopulate the world planet earth. They intended to get planet earth down to 500 million. The vaccines are nothing but injections with many diseases within those injections to take out the week and experiment on human beings and depopulate planet earth. Yes I know this sounds crazy but everything I tell you is true and will continue to be exposed online internet first as we are being held hostage by MSM. Basically mainstream media is state media it is communism. We are under communism and until planet earth wakes up we continue to go like that online showing it only and that comes from our military alliance. President Trump has always been the commander in chief and he never gave up the nuclear code football. The military only answers to President Trump. What you have been watching is actors on television because main stream media is running this agenda and they are using call for Sítio Amazon studio White House to film along with CGI an old filed footage. You are not sing current television when you watch main stream media.
Thank You
Military Press Secretary
Kimberly Kukich

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