Charlie Freak with Joanne Divine Life Yogini ~ Good vs. Evil

2 years ago

This is a brand new Podcast with Joanne Divine Life Yogini, on her Youtube Channel...this represented my 2nd appearance on Joanne's Channel, and as always, it was a Pleasure and an Honor...

On the Show Joanne asked me to explain the Heart and Soul of this Eternal Struggle between Good and Evil, so off I went...normally her shows are only 50 minutes, but Joanne just let me Keep on Runnin', as I brought the answer to this Age Old question right back home...

Good vs. Evil is the battle WITHIN us, that plays itself out in front of is the choice that we must all make in every single moment between Jesus Christ and Satan...Choose, but Choose Wisely...

The Gematria Decodes alone on this show are well worth the price of admission...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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