Terrain Theory for Dummies. Can everything we know about germs be wrong?

4 years ago

There is Germ Theory which we just accept as the norm. Did you know there is a valid opposing theory called the Terrain theory? Here Dennis and Shay discuss the basics. It may make you rethink everything you know about germs and pandemics...

This is a great leadup to the special broadcast on Earth Heroes TV: THE DEATH OF THE GERM THEORY with:

Dr Christiane Northrup
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Dr Carrie Madej
Dr Lawrence Palevsky
Dr Tom Cowan
Dr Andrew Kaufman
Sasha Stone & Imani

Subscribe here: http://earthheroestv.com/?via=awakening-in-health

Don't worry if you miss the live show. You can watch a reply on the channel. Check out what they have for free. There is some awesome content.

#germ #terraintheory #terrain #health

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