April 12, 2022

2 years ago

The latest news from the zone of the special operation against Bandera.

Tangible damage was done to the Nazis in one of the districts.

Operational activities are ongoing, so I will not specify a specific place of action.

There are nuances in any special operation.

I can only say that every day the situation for the enemy is close to disaster.

From this, the enemy becomes satane and conducts indiscriminate shelling from long-range guns.

But our fighters only like that Bandera is inflamed with anger.

In response, the guys strike a decisive blow and literally spray the enemy.

All the elite units of the Ukrainian Nazis are thrown into this area.

Russian commanders especially note the work of our snipers.

They destroyed 6 leaders of national gangs in a day.

Aviation, including unmanned vehicles, also helps a lot.

Scouts deserve special words.

On Saturday, they revealed the deployment of about 60 Banderists, who were eventually dealt a crushing blow!

After our special forces drove them like sidorov goats.

The result was predictable, and we predicted it.

The lubricated heels of these 60 Nazis will no longer sparkle.

All of them are sent to the forefathers.

Daniil Martynov, Sharip Delimkhanov and all dear OTHERS will support these words with facts.

Also over the past day, equipment and artillery installations of Bandera in large numbers were destroyed.

Only in one square the enemy lost about 10 tanks and 5 self-propelled guns.

Great summary of the day!

Saturday went well! Night ahead.

It will bring many more surprises to the Bandera people!

@Kadyrov_95 Follow Over At Telegram For More Up-To-Date Information & Content!!

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