Comedian Handren Seavey & Writer Licia Ciriello on The Arty 84 Show – 2021-02-24 – EP 171

3 years ago

Show Recap: Arty and Adam with Comedian Handren Seavey and Writer Licia Ciriello. The group of us talk about what is going on this week in the news. Handren talks first hand about living in California. We talk about the last time he was op the show (3-7-17 Ep 007) . Licia, a Packie contributor as well, talks about how bartending has taking a hit during Covid. And much much more! Also past guest Cousin Britt is in a cooking contest and needs your votes! to vote!

This show is brought to you by The Pack [dot] Com for all your sports, entertainment and drinking needs, 84 Entertainment - and Whirl Wind Reports, AKA the poor mans Packie,

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