Heaven Land Devotions - The Prayers of Shut Doors

2 years ago

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Jesus spoke to us about prayer in a few places. The first time He gives direction on how to pray is in Matthew 6:6, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

What I zeroed in on was that part where He said after you enter into your closet, and WHEN you have shut your door then pray. I read 2 Kings chapter 4 about two women. One was a widow with two sons who was over her head in debt, and her sons were about to go into slavery. Her loss was already heavy, and the future looked grave. She was about to lose everything and everyone she loved, and quite possibly edge towards a heartbreaking death of her own. She had no power on her side.

In desperation she called out to Elisha the prophet who asked her what she had left in her house. She told him she only had one pot of oil. After which he told her to go home, and have her son borrow vessels from neighbors. Then told her to shut the door, and pour out oil from her one vessel into all the others. She did, and the oil filled up all the borrowed vessels. Her debt was paid, and there was never a mention again about her sons going into slavery.

There was another woman who built a little room for Elisha who stayed in it every time he was in town. One day, he told the woman who had been childless that she would have a child. Later on she did give birth to a son. One day the child died, and she laid him in Elisha's upper room on his bed, and shut the door. She ran and brought back Elijah who went into the room and shut the door, and prayed and the child was brought back to life. He gave him back to his mother alive and well.

Something happens when a person in great peril, deep pain, heavy suffering and loss goes in alone to their own room and shuts the door and prays. All manner of the outside world is shut out, and the one in prayer is shut in with God.

There is a powerful intensified prayer behind those shut doors. Jesus said that our heavenly Father who sees that person, WILL answer them openly. Today is the day for you to go in and shut the door, wherever that may be and pray. Tell God everything. Look what happened to those two women in the most dire, grim and impossible things. Shut yourself in and pray and receive from Him "fullness of joy" and rest from your Father in Heaven.

"You will observe that the desire to commune with God is intensified by the failure of all other sources of consolation." ~Charles Spurgeon

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