Rendering first aid to a Ukrainian soldier by a Russian physician.

2 years ago

Rendering first aid to a Ukrainian soldier by a Russian physician. From beginning to end, the drone filmed the story of a prisoner who was abandoned by his n wave of mobilization on March 13, 2022. He went to fight, otherwise a prison. Appointed commander of a tank platoon. Fired 8 shots from the tank. Was hit in the gray zone. In the video, he says that his tank alone was moving forward, as the others turned back under various pretexts - the ammunition supply ran out, there was no water, and so on. As a result, the tank was hit by an ATGM, the soldier was wounded. He remained lying in the gray zone, which was shot from both sides. The Ukrainian military did not go to pick him up. He was taken away by the Russian military on a BMD. They bandaged him and took him out of the battlefield. Now this soldier is saying the right things about getting killed and Western military corporations are making big money off of it.

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