Seven Hills Hiking Adventure

4 years ago

#Hiking #Queensland #brisbanehiker

• you'll find the Seven Hills Bushland reserve about 20 minutes drive east of Brisbane CBD.
• Trail Head is found on Brussels Ave. There is no dedicated car park at this trailhead but there is plenty of places to park along the street.
• The trail is a wide fire-track style surface through mildly dense scrubland.
• Trail is short and very accessible.

2km (round trip)
Elevation: 21m - 72m
Incline: MAX: 42.2% AVG: 9.2%
Seven Hills, Queensland
Map Link:

Slow down forget about the time
Come into the present moment Find a spot to sit
– on the grass, beside a tree or on a park bench
Notice what you can hear and see Notice what you feel"
- Qing Li, Shinrin Yoku
also, check out Nathan's Graphic Design and artwork at:

Map Sequence Satellite Data
© Copyright 2020 Microsoft Corporation / © 2020 Maxar / © CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS

1. Leaving - Silent Partner (Intro)
2. Somnia I - Reed Mathis
3. Somnia II - Reed Mathis
4. Somnia III - Reed Mathis
4. Role Player - Au.Ra (Outro)

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