High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were the Days | Saturday, January 14th

4 years ago

If anyone knows what year this is from, plz tell me
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THE WHISTLER (1940s) "Charming Hostess"
is the Wphistler's strange story. A socialite is
being blackmailed. (11:15; 12:05)

BOB HOPE SHOW (5-25-44) Skinnay Ennis
and the Orchestra, Frances Langford, Jerry
Colonna, Vera Vague from Stockton Airfield
where Bob's brother George is stationed.
(12:45; 15:45)

"The Demon Miner" A series of seven unusual
deaths in the Slateville coal mine brings Casey
to investigate. Anchor Hocking Glassware.
(14:15; 15:20)

THE BIG STORY (12-1-47) The story of re-
porter Dorothy Kilgallen of the New York
Journal-American. Dorothy befriends a teen-
age girl to get the facts in the hatchet murder
of her mother. Pell Mell Cigarettes. (15:35;

MY FRIEND IRMA (2-17-52) Marie Wilson as
Irma, Cathy Lewis as Jane with John Brown
as Irma's boyfriend Al and Hans Conried as
Professor Kroptokin. Jane is jealous of the new
girl at the office. Ennds Breath Mints. (13:00;

BULLDOG DRUMMOND (1-17-47) "Case of
the Atomic Murders" starring Ned Weaver as
Drummond with Luis Van Rooten as Denny,
Drummond's sidekick. (12:30; 17:30)

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