Building the Kingdom of God, and not our own

2 years ago

Building the Kingdom of God and not our own kingdoms - Matthew 13: Parable of the Sower -The Mission fields Matthew 13
My wife and I are Missionaries based in the Philippines-We brag about Jesus, just as all of those in Ministry are called to do. We engage in Campaigns for Jesus to lead new Believers to Jesus, it is hard work, if it were not hard, more would be doing it. We plant new Believers in Churches with Good Pastors, we train pastors, Plant Churches, Train people for ministry, for this Generation.
Some of you believe you are called to ministry too, but do not know how to start. You can visit with us on the Mission Fields of the Philippines, but if you can not afford to come, you can still partner with us through Crowd Funding @ Please grab your Bible and turn to Matthew Chapter 13, for those interested, we are teaching on the Book of Revelation you can also access some of the teachings posted on Revelation on this site. For this turn to Matthew Chapter 13 The same day went Jesus

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