Looking Back at ANTHEM - Gamings Biggest Lie

4 years ago

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Anthem was a concept for the ages. The height of E3, with its pizzazz, glamour and hype... a wonderfully rendered cinematic, and a new world with mechsuits and dungeons to explore. What started as a hype train of enthusiasm, ended in disaster, broken promises and a dead game.

Looking back, we can see an example of (quite possibly) gaming's greatest lie, that will be remembered for its effect on the industry many years after the servers cease to exist.

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⦁ Giraffe Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uNbM0dADc

⦁ Video Transitions: William Eklof

⦁ Outtro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4azpOIAfwMY

GAMERTAG: UE Sanctionite

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