Where is the Heart of the Heart of the Heart?

3 years ago

Weekly LIVE Group Satsang Meetings in the NOW:

To really know love you need to be love! Being love means merging with the frequency of love which is present here and now every moment. Love is one of the three key components of the Universe, the universal glue that keeps all forms together. Karma as such does not exist, only the universal law of harmony and balance. The divine intelligence of the universe is designed to sustain life. In the heart of the heart of the heart absolute unconditionality is present, where the other disappears into the ONE.
How can we dive into the deepest, most open heart? To dive into it you need to move beyond value judgments which is duality itself so that the only thing that is left is openness, nakedness, and vulnerability. When you become familiar with the nakedness of your heart unconditional seeing and wisdom arise. The unconditionally open space of the heart allows everything to be exactly as it is.


Mindo is an enlightened teacher helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Full Consciousness. Mindo has helped over 550 people raise their Levels of Consciousness and discover their Highest True Potential, Freedom, and Power.

There are now 20 Enlightenment Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Skype or Zoom:

Mindo offers a clear insight into the Enlightenment, Spiritual Openings, and Levels of Consciousness (LOC), helping to support you through every aspect of the spiritual journey and the process of awakening.

Mindo delivers the Full Consciousness Transmissions and holds weekly Satsangs, Meditation Meetings, Workshops, and International Retreats.

For more information about these teachings, to receive your Full Consciousness Transmission session via Skype or Zoom, for upcoming workshops and local and international retreats, please visit https://www.SatMindo.org

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