“There is Always Something we can do better to Please God”

2 years ago

“They are men with Egos, that don’t know the God I Do”

“These Crosses on my Forearms mean something to me.”

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Pastor John Collins Inspirations. Redeeming The Gospel, Changing The Face Of Christianity and Bringing People To The Cross John Collins Ministries is determined to redeem the Gospel, change the face of Christianity, and continue to give hope with a non-judgmental helping hand.

As Pastor John says, "Hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it."

The Word of God The Way It Is Meant To Be Taught...
Pastor John is determined to help people build their faith, get salvation, and go to heaven. The ministry preaches the truth and teaches the Word of God the way it is meant to be taught, like Jesus did over 2000 years ago. Pastor John walks the walk and talks the talk like no other preacher.​

Check Out

Pastor John Collins: There is Hope
Hope is like sunshine everybody needs a ray of it and our hope is that JESUS CHRIST came and died for our sins. This sermon is about Hope and how to change others peoples lives, Do not judge but help everyone and ask nothing in return.

What Would You Do - Pastor John Collins
Pastor John Collins - John Collins Ministries
What would you do if Jesus came to your house? Would you have to delete your Facebook, take away magazines, booze, tell your friends to not come over?
We need to worry more about the Holy Bible and what Jesus did for us.

Why Do You Go To Church - Pastor John Collins
Pastor John Collins - John Collins Ministries: when you go into a church, are you going in to a social event, to show off your new car, to be entertained, to be seen? Can you remember what the sermon was about? It's time to turn the church back into a house of God. WE got to get back to what Jesus Christ started. We've got to get back to the roots of what Jesus Christ taught. This clip is an example of what Pastor John Collins preaches during his revivals and sermons.

River Terrace Cowboy Church Group.

River Terrace Cowboy Church
14429 N Edgewater Dr, Chillicothe, IL

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