Fed, Markets and Inflation w/ Michael Lebowitz - Fed Watch - Bitcoin Magazine

4 years ago

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In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s Fed Watch podcast, Christian Keroles and Ansel Lindner speak with Michael Lebowitz, a Portfolio Manager for RIA Advisors. This is a change of pace for Fed Watch, reaching out to forward thinking financial advisors, to ask for their industry insight on the Federal Reserve, monetary matters, and bitcoin. Michael has made several appearances on Real Vision and numerous other macro podcasts, and notably appears weekly on RIA’s Youtube channel with business partner Lance Roberts. The latter is where Ansel discovered Michael’s content, and was impressed with the level of insight on monetary questions.

Lebowitz bio https://riaadvisors.com/houston/team/michael-p-lebowitz/
RIA Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRealInvestmentShow
TGA article https://realinvestmentadvice.com/can-the-fed-both-tap-on-the-brakes-and-floor-the-gas/
Pent up demand article https://realinvestmentadvice.com/will-go-crazy-drive-the-bear-out-of-hibernation/

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