N.ot A. S.pace A.gency NO real photos of earth from space, not one, zip, zero, nada, zilch!

3 years ago

Nasa was formed i believe in 1958 for the sole purpose of deception around the same time the Antarctic treaty was formed to ban all private exploration below 60* S. latitude.

Both of these came not long after admiral Byrd took an entire Navy fleet to Antarctica called operation high jump.

When he returned he claimed to have discovered unexplored land the size of America 180 miles beyond the South Pole... he also retired and was mysteriously dead within a year... and then the Antarctic treaty and NASA were formed.
A Nazi rocket scientist and operation paperclip transplantee (1 out of 1600 more war criminals) Warner Von Braun was selected to head NASA, a man who should have been in the Nuremberg trials was instead put in charge of the worlds “leading space agency” 🙄 more like CGI and money laundering corporation... If hoover was still alive he aught to be hung because operation paperclip was what really helped the Lucifarian communist subversion of our country.

Although the “father of Nasa” was a deceiver in life, he revealed the truth in death by referencing PSALMS 19:1 on his grave stone which reads ~ “The Heavens Declare The Glory To God, And The Firmament Sheweth His Handiwork.”

Interesting passage considering the Firmament is the barrier that divides the waters above and the heavens from the waters below and is an impenetrable barrier like a bio-dome keeping Man from being able to achieve space exploration.

Space is a lie as we know it, earth is an enclosed system and there are no other Suns or spherical planets in the universe.

the Stars are called luminaries and planets are called wondering stars because they each follow their own unique path separate from the luminaries and they all appear to be dancing energetic orbs of plasma light that have their own consciousness.

AS does the sun and moon which are both self illuminated and small (30-40mi. Dia.) and local (3000-4000 mi.)
and appear to not be physical heavenly bodies but projected from an external source above the firmament into our reality as a positive (sun) and negative (moon) electrical diode that both rotate in a circuit over us.

The potential energy source projecting them is unknown, some suggest its Ra the black sun but I dont know and doubt anyone but God does. However it seems it has been caught in a video shot from a plane during an eclipse. This video is in my “FE Proofs” playlist

The sun completes a circuit every 24 hours while the moon takes 25 hours so the sun laps the moon approx. once a month and the moons phases correlate, not with its orientation to the sun but it’s proximity to the sun. A new moon is when they are both together at 12 o’clock and it’s as if the moon completely disappears, no outline or shadow or anything has been detected, suggesting it is not a physical terra-firma sphere.

As the sun slowly pulls away from the moon it starts to self illuminate and by 12 & 3 it will be a half moon and after completing its Waxing cycle by 12 & 6 it will be a full moon before it begins to self de-illuminate starting from the opposite direction during its waining cycle.

Also the sun & moon emit different light, sunlight promotes growth and is warm while the moonlight is putrifying and cold. Moon light has been proven repeatedly to be colder than moon shade proving it cannot be reflecting sunlight.

The firmament appears to be around 75 miles up and shows ripples when viewing luminaries through Nikon p-1000’s as if there literally is waters above. It appears to either rotate or the luminaries within the firmament rotates centered on the N star Polaris as seen in long exposure pictures showing circular star trails the firmament plus the waters above create a lensing effect like looking through curved glass that bends the light so we each get a unique location based perspective of the sky. And this lensing plus the way our eyes perspective works is what makes the sun and moon appear to rise and set, it’s estimated rising and setting occurs when they are approx. 6000 miles away before they are beyond the vanishing point due to the limits of our eye sight and the cloud deck and opacity of thousands of miles of air molecules and dust, dirt, smog, and water vapor suspended in our atmosphere.

Humidity close to ground level being the main variable determining how big our sunsets appear to us. High Moisture creates a magnification effect causing it to appear much larger watching a sunset out to sea versus watching one from Siberia in winter or Arizona on a dry summer day when the sun will continue shrinking due to perspective as one would expect it to do.

Also sunlight and daylight appear to be separate. Sunlight is when your in direct view but daylight is what turns our sky blue and appears to be caused by the suns positive electrical charge exciting the gasses in our atmosphere so even if the sun emitted no visible light we should still have a blue daylight sky.

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