Rare Sturmpanzer 43 Stupa "Brummbär" WW2 footage.

4 years ago

Rare Sturmpanzer Brummbär WW2 footage.

The Sturmpanzer 43 armoured infantry support gun based on the Panzer IV chassis, it was developed in 1942 by Skoda. to provide a vehicle offering direct infantry fire support, with a 15-centimetre Sturmhaubitze 43 L/12.
The vehicle went into production in 1943, but the Panzer IV chassis proved to be unsuited for the weight of the vehicle, which led to frequent breakdowns of the suspension and transmission. The weight problem was sort of solved with the StuH 43/1.

The vehicle would see action in Battles of Kursk, Italy, Normandy, and in the Warsaw Uprising. (which can be seen in this video) The vehicle is known as the Brummbär, but this nickname was never used by the Germans and it was actually named Stupa by the soldiers and crews.

Production of the vehicle would end in 1945 after only 300 were produced.

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■ Information obtained from several sites.
■ Wikipedia
■ tanks-encyclopedia
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
■ preservedtanks
■ pantser.net
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

■ Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

■ Music used:

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