Jesus Is Coming-First Love-Birthday Song, Pre-Trib, Divorce-Remarriage- Singleness & Pets in Heaven?

4 years ago

True fellowship with other born again believers happens when we are united one in Christ and in the Holy Spirit wanting to do the will of the Father. We have the rapture always on our minds, and know that we could disappear any day. Today is my sister Suzanne's birthday, Glory to God in the Highest channel, who left a 32 year remarriage after she studied the Scriptures. Her testimony video is here- To me it is essential doctrine to believe that divorce and remarriage is ongoing adultery and that the rapture is pre-Tribulation- we are the Bride of Christ being taken up at a day and hour we don't really know though we have high watch dates. The road is very, very narrow and singleness isn't always easy, but we lift each other up in prayer and know Jesus intimately like the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25: 1-13.

This is also my 16th year of being REBORN- first week of March 2005. Keren in Israel- Keren .W channel- had the Holy Spirit inspire her to write a song for the family of God who is united and waiting to be snatched up to heaven- 1 Thessalonians 4.

I share two dreams- one about warships and flowers and ready to escape, and one about putting an elderly man at the head of the table to be honored (might be Graham Kendrick).

Read Galatians 2 and 3 portions when on 3/2/2020 I had opened to it and my Bible was somehow opened to it on 3/2/2021 (I believe in angels).
Verses on "brothers and sisters"-

What is the pre-Tribulation rapture?

Will Our Pets Be Raptured With Us?

Great book that is pre-Trib and correct on divorce and remarriage is available here- The Unbreakable Covenant of Marriage: Escaping the Unholy Trap of Divorce and Remarriage-
Rev. Raymond J. McMahon serves as pastor at Praise, Power, & Prayer Temple and principal of Praise, Power, & Prayer Christian school in Windsor, Connecticut.

For over 30 years, he has been preaching, teaching, and counseling couples regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage. He is also the host of “Jesus is Our Shepherd,” a weekly radio show heard on 8 stations across the United States. You can listen to over 200+ archived broadcasts of “Jesus Is Our Shepherd,” primarily on this topic, dating back to November, 2006, by visiting

He and his wife Sally have been married for 41years. They have ten children, five daughters-in-law, two sons-in-law and twenty grandchildren.
He wrote "The Unbreakable Covenant of Marriage" that can be purchased directly by calling the church at 800-285-8898 . Many will purchase a copy to follow along with Pastor McMahon's teaching.

"This volume seeks the answer to one question: What does God think about marriage, divorce, and remarriage (adultery)?

Please also check out my channel's playlist- Divorce and Remarriage Adultery and Pre-Tribulation Rapture

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