Is Poland going to annex all of Western Ukraine?

2 years ago

Misspoke again! Yes I know it is 10 hundreds to a thousand, but why? 10, 20, 30, and so on hundreds being called hundreds instead of thousands.

Poland getting back old territories?
From comments, Toby Stuart;
"Anyone who knows anything about Poland and Ukraine knows that both nations were created at the end of the first world war, and that Poland promptly went to war with Ukraine and ethnically cleansed huge numbers of Ukrainians.

Now, at that time, "Ukraine" was considered to be the province of Galicia, which was a province of the Austro Hungarian Empire, before it was dissolved after the first world war. This province stretched from Krakow to Lvov, but no further east. It never reached Kiev. If you doubt this, consult any map dating to 1918, and examine Ukraine.

Now, after the Polish ethnically cleansed Ukraine, brutalizing Bandera's family in the process and earning his lifelong hatred, they also invaded Lithuania. And Czechoslovakia. Basically the Polish went to war with all their neighbours, expanding their lands as fast as possible. Winston Churchill described them assisting Germany in the attack on poor Czechoslovakia as having a "hyena like appetite".

This is why Bandera, and all good Ukrainian nationalists, took part in the wholesale slaughter of Polish people during the second world war. Bandera and his happy campers murdered a staggering number of women and children, using the most brutal methods imaginable. If you wish to understand the brutality of Ukrainian culture, consider the Volhynia massacre. Ukrainian nationalists, working as the 44th Galician SS Division, butchered over 100'000 Polish civilians.

If you think this is all past history, ponder that the Polish passed a law in 2016, after the start of the war in Donbass, recognizing the Ukrainian slaughter of Polish as a "genocide".

Bear in mind, also, that both nations have only existed as nation states since 1918. Since then, their mortal enemy of each has been the other.

This is what makes Zelensky's recent moves so incredible. Bandera must be turning in his grave, to hear Zelensky say that Ukrainians and Polish are close and friendly peoples. It is the most untrue statement I've ever heard, even from a politician.

Indeed, the way Ukrainian nationalists have behaved in historically Russian lands is a weird echo of the way the Polish treated them, between the wars. The savage brutality, which they continue, is their own contribution to world culture, and sadly it is about all they have done that is noteworthy.

In any case, it does appear that the entire war has been crafted in order to dissolve the experiment we call "Ukraine". Poland is clearly aiming to regain Lvov, and probably Volhynia as well. The folks from Volhynia are actually not Ukrainian, in the historical sense, and were known as "Ruthanians", or "black Rus". Even today, these folks are distinct from Ukrainian nationalists and do not mix with them. These are Julia Timoshenko's folks, and they vote for the Fatherland party.

Hungary also want their bit of Ukraine back, and Romania has historical claims to Moldova.

Why would NATO and the EU agree to dissolve Ukraine?

Well, it was a problem nation, for a long time. It was a failed state, utterly corrupt in every way. It was stealing everyone's gas, and it had a lot of nuclear reactors, generating a lot of plutonium.

I am beginning to believe that an agreement was made to terminate Ukrainian statehood, and give it back to the countries around it, simply because it was potentially a very dangerous country indeed. It was one of the few nations that could develop nuclear weapons very swiftly, without outside help. As it was a failed state and a kleptocracy, it may be that a decision was reached, between Russia and Poland, to end it.

One also has to wonder at the way Ukraine has been served in the media. Sure, western leaders are "for Ukraine", but there have been very strange moments in the theatre of the thing. Why did Victoria Nuland tell the entire world that there were illegal biolabs in Ukraine, just as the war kicked off? She didn't need to tell the world that. But she did. Just at a very crucial moment.

There is also the extreme weirdness of Nuland, Kolomoisky and Zelensky all being Jewish, and all being masters of public relations, and yet being perfectly fine with the Azov folks waving huge NAZI flags everywhere. Kolomoisky paid for those, and handed them out to random football hooligans. What is that about? It's as if he was painting a target on them, making them unacceptable to the world.

It's all very odd, especially the way Poland is currently positioned to walk in and seize land. The only thing that makes any sense is the dissolution of Ukraine, entirely. In the end, Ukraine is not in NATO, and not friends with Russia. If it goes away, EU nations benefit, and Russia benefits.

I think we are looking at the end of Ukraine, just now, and that this was planned a long time ago."

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