Conscious (R)evolution: Why Crypto is the Key to the (R)evolution, Elisa Lam & Synchronicity, Qn'A

3 years ago

Immediately after the premier of my new ayahuasca preparation vid, we are going to devalue the dollar, sink the Fed, get rich AF, and take over the world...
Or at least discuss how blockchain technologies can democratize not only finance, but also innovation, and extend opportunity with greater equality that at any previous time in history. (R)evolution is upon us. Are you ready?
We will start with the pragmatic, real-world applicable, empowerment strategies that demand our attention at this pivotal moment. We will take a look at blockchain technology applications beyond the realm of crypto, and appraise the potential for this rediscovered (the first giant stone coin currencies were blockchain based and decentralized) technology to level the financial playing field, and loosen the grips of the entrenched elite. Before they choke us out. Like, all the way out.
Next up, we will take an in-depth look at the synchronicities surrounding the tragic death of Elisa Lamb in 2013, which were so many, and so predominate, that even the cops noticed them. But the conspiracy that the synchronicities appeared to elucidate was not real, and many people paid a heavy price due to this metaphysical-mindphuckery.
The awakening process is complicated, and the resources that most of us have access to for guidance are often dubious, misinformed, misguided, and muddy. Synchronicity is real, but woo is woo. My hope is that examining the synchronicities of the Elisa Lam case in light of the truth about what happened will offer insight that so often is the seed of real wisdom. Many false conspiracy theories, toxic superstitions, and bad readings of circumstance have grown out of misinterpreted coincidence. Symmetry Theory will help us to see why that happens, and to be prepared for it when it emerges in our own journeys.
The choice of subjects is not random, With the Lam disappearance we will look at synchronicity misapplied, and with crypto we will see how to use Symmetry, like an adept, a shaman, in order to empower our selves, and further the Conscious (R)evolution.
Link to the post-premier Livestream:
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