True Meaning of Eating Jesus' Flesh and Blood | Ep36 FBC2 | Grace Road Church

3 years ago

When Jesus said to eat and drink, did he actually mean the physical communion that has become an important ceremony in the church?

The church communion originates from the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples during the last Passover before his death on the cross. This is why the churches eat bread and drink wine. By doing that, they think they truly believe in Jesus Christ, and that they are eating and drinking in remembrance of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for all of our sins. But is this the biblical truth?
Why is Jesus called "the living bread that came down out of heaven" ? And why does it say "if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever..."?
The people back in the First Coming did not understand, because Jesus spoke in parables.

But now is the age when the Spirit of Truth has come in reality and no longer speaks in figurative language but discerns spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. The perfect has come and all partial and all regulations for the body like the communion must be abolished!

0:00 Intro
6:10 What is "eating and drinking" of Jesus' flesh?
14:17 What is "being clothed" with Christ?
20:16 What did Apostle Paul say about eucharist communion?
26:25 Apostle Paul made people follow tradition

"My sheep hear My voice,
and I know them, and they follow Me"
-John 10:27-

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Our mission is to proclaim God's voice to all corners of the world and prepare God's children for the Tribulation and the Second Coming.
God works through people; Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Truth also came in flesh.

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#communion #eucharist #passover #ceremony #festival #wine #bread #disciple

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