Jimmy Dore: Texas Blackout and Capitalism

3 years ago

Jimmy Dore doesn't understand what he is talking about. His argument on the Texas blackout that resulted in a crisis due to bad weather he tries to blame capitalism. As I illustrate Jimmy Dore blames capitalism, which is typical of socialists, the government creates a problem, capitalism gets the blame for it.

Whilst he may be right about Wall Street and other special-interest groups that get to benefit at the expense of others, he is wrong not only blaming capitalism but contradicting himself by critiquing the government but then calling out for stimulus checks. A lot of people fail to understand the difference between politician's promises and what is in practice when they are voted into government.

I also do not understand the issue they have with food banks, but you'll never hear them complain about people on the government welfare programs unless it is a reduction in welfare spending.

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