Trinity On Fire intro spiritual development in process

3 years ago

I am starting to document my spiritual process. I see I am starting a new level of development which can be defined as bringing about social change that allows people to achieve their human potential. Join me in my frustrations, laughter and humility. Please share your growth process as we are all here in this life to help each other.

"A very accessible way to unlearn anything is to question it without accepting an answer. Most thoughts rest upon a foundation of assumptions. If you pick those assumptions apart, the thoughts which balance atop them collapse and create space for something new.

In the case of behaviour, it's beneficial to refrain from trying to force a change, as this normally just temporarily suppresses it. Instead, allow the behaviour to continue without judgement and observe it with a curious attitude as if you were studying a field of great interest. Question it with this attitude every time it comes around and before long the behaviour will make such little sense that the driving force behind it will dissipate.

Inner inquiry, with the right attitude, is rightly a destructive process, whereas the majority of our thinking is constructive and builds over time. If you can approach your thoughts or behaviours and question them without an agenda, it's like throwing it all into a distillery which burns away everything that's no longer well suited to you."


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