Jesus is coming now and will snatch His bride and leave everyone else left behind

2 years ago

Jesus is coming now and He will take babies out of their mother womb, a mother is holding her baby when the baby is gone, a husband and wife go to sleep when the wife is just gone, parents are going to get their kids from school when the kids are just gone, people are at church when some members are gone and the rest of the church members and pastor gets left behind, the rapture will seperate everyone who belongs to Jesus and they will all be gone and the fake dead lukewarm church people will be left behind with the wicked!! There are no Baptist, church of Christ, pentecostal, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah witness, Muslims and anyone who follows a man made false religion in heaven, there are no gays, trans, lesbians, abortion lover's, murderers, abusers, liars, adulterers, lovers of magic arts, false prophets and their cult members, rich people, wicked Kings, drugs, acholics, prostitutes, self righteous church people who think their church going and good works will save them, those who blaspheme God, they are in the lake of fire and everyone who rejected Jesus will be at the great white throne judgement and that is the final judgement for everyone who rejected Jesus will be there, then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it and heaven and earth fled from His site and the dead were called up and the sea gave up the dead that was in it and death and hades gave up the dead that was in them and books were opened and one of them was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to what they did alive and if anyone name was not found written in the Lamb book of life they were thrown into the lake of fire and death and hades was thrown into the lake of fire and they shall be tormented forever and ever, then I saw the New jersalem and nothing impure shall enter or anyone who does anything shameful or decietful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb book of life shall enter, the great tribulation period begins after the rapture happens and it will happen!! Thousands of people are just gone and all hell will break loose on earth and it will happen!! Jesus will grab only those who belong to Him out of this wicked satanic world before the 7 year tribulation begins!! Time is up! The church age is over!! The age of grace is over!! God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! And those who got the vaccines are doomed for the lake of fire forever, there are no masks or vaccines in heaven!! Satan and 1/3 of the angels got kicked out of heaven for rebelling against God!! If you wear a face diaper and got the vaccine you hate God and rejected Him and there is no hope or prayers for you!! You are a lost demonic being now and belong to Satan forever!! God will never allow antichrist demonic robots with masks and vaccines into heaven at all, you all have nephilim blood now and can never go back to normal ever, you are just walking poison bags and always will be, Christians who got the vaccines the Holy Spirit leaves you and your name is blotted out of the Lamb book of life to say you no longer belong to God at all and banned from heaven!! It is a choice you will regret forever!! Vaccine mask devils are on the antichrist loser side and the antichrist, false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire, all the antichrist robots followers will be thrown into the lake of fire and killed with the sword of the Lamb of God!! He will destroy the antichrist and everyone who worships the antichrist He will crush you to!! He will bind up all the demonic Dr, nurses, scientists, pastors who gave out the vaccines and will throw them into the lake of fire!! Those who got the vaccine will go after everyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and will kill them, that is why the bowl judgements will be poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist!! They deserve it!! They will kill anyone they see who doesn't have a vaccine mark of the beast and will be proud of it, God will say ok here have some justice for all the saints you killed and are proud of it, I will give you all painful boils, demons will sting you, the sun will get so hot it will burn everyone who worships the antichrist and got his vaccines, Judgement will come for those who made the vaccines and got them!! God is not playing a game He is cleaning house and will not be nice about it!!! The Most High is super angry and has had enough!!!

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