Jordan Peterson on The Meek with Joe Rogan 2018 #1070

3 years ago

A 2 minute excerpt that covers Matthew 5.5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Mat 5.5
Meek had a very different meaning to how it is interpreted now.
I find it amazing the gems of wisdom is a single phrase.
Here are some comments I liked below.
as the character of one who has the passion of resentment under control, and who is therefore tranquil and untroubled,
The men who suffer wrong without bitterness or desire for revenge
Persons of a mild, gentle, long-suffering, and forgiving disposition, who are slow to anger, and averse from wrath; not easily provoked, and if at any time at all provoked, soon pacified; who never resent an injury, nor return evil for evil; but make it their care to overcome evil with good; who by the sweetness, affability, courteousness, and kindness of their disposition, endeavour to reconcile such as may be offended, and to win them over to peace and love.
Meekness after all is a power even in this world, a “world-conquering principle” (Tholuck). The meek of England, driven from their native land by religious intolerance, have inherited the continent of America.
Meekness is rather the attitude of the soul towards another when that other is in a state of activity towards it. It is the attitude of the disciple to the teacher when teaching; of the son to the father when exercising his paternal authority; of the servant to the master when giving him orders. It is therefore essentially as applicable to the relation of man to God as to that of man to man.
Blessed are the meek,.... Who are not easily provoked to anger; who patiently bear, and put up with injuries and affronts; carry themselves courteously, and affably to all; have the meanest thoughts of themselves, and the best of others; do not envy the gifts and graces of other men; are willing to be instructed and admonished, by the meanest of the saints; quietly submit to the will of God, in adverse dispensations of providence; and ascribe all they have, and are, to the grace of God. Meekness, or humility, is very valuable and commendable. The Jews, though a proud, haughty, and wrathful people, cannot but speak in its praise:
"Wisdom, fear, and meekness, say they, are of high esteem; but "meekness", is greater than them all.''
A better solution to become deprogrammed.

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