Max Spiers - Last Interview (12 July 2016) - He died 4 days later

2 years ago

Interview date 12 July 2016 - Max died 4 days later (16 July 2016). In this interview, you will notice that he slurs . . . he was heavily attacked with Directed Energy Weaponry. He was uncovering that a group would be ushering in the Fourth Reich in a few years <-- many didn't take it seriously - called him a conspiracy theorist - Today, we know it's not a conspiracy anymore (frontmen such as Klaus Schwab (WEF), Gates, Soros and then we have the marching band of World Gov't leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Biden, Arden, Macron, Boris Johnson just to name a few) - Max was of Merovingian lineage and there was/still is an agenda to eliminate those with Merovingian lineage who cannot be corrupted or entrapped. Also a lot of talk and discoveries of Baphomet the transgender demon-god tied to Moloch demon-god of child sacrifice >> running strong in this day and age - Transgenderism in kindergarten, Grooming children (Baphomet) and death, life injuries with the Injections and plandemic including the use of fetal cells in the Pfizer formulae (Moloch). Michael Aquino, head of the Temple of Set was also very active and high ranking in US military as a PSY Warfare Specialist (ancient psychology how fitting to have a satanist in charge)- And as Max stated "They" always tell us what they are going to do well knowing there's nothing we can do about it . . . now doesn't that sound like Gates, Schwab and others? Indeed. If you have been paying attention in past two years . . . they have told us what they were planning to do and to what end . . . just read the book "Covid 19: The Great Reset" <-- the whole plan is laid out. Eugenics is one of the main tenets of Satanism. Why do I bring Eugenics on the table? well, as described in the Great Reset book from Schwab. The plan is to reduce world population from 9.8 billion to 1 billion by 2050. Of this total, 500 million are to be Asian because they obey regimes. Read the book, it's available in pdf format - just google it. The point is that they tell us what they are planning but we simply don't pay attention . . . most human suffer from cognitive dissonance. Easy to lull to think "it can't be true" <-- excellent continue to think that way feeble minded human animal <-- Dr. Harrari (WEF) openly calls us "hackable animals". Do your research and come to terms with this. Snap out of your reverie that all is honky-dory. Wake up and rejoice knowing that many on this planet are woken up and in the midst of waking up UNITY is our strength because their purpose is to keep us off-keel in fear, divided and compliant "start saying "No"". Low density - unwell emotionally - angry and violent - suicide is a good thing - after all it helps reduce world population. You did know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was first called The Bill and Melinda Gates Population Control Institute, right?

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