Deputies cleared after Greenville County Sheriff’s Office investigates officer involved shooting

3 years ago

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The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office provided details on an officer involved shooting that occurred on June 23.

According to Greenville County Sheriff’s Office, a warrant task force consisting of the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office and US Marshals responded to a home at 85 Montague Road around 5 p.m.

The suspect was identified as Earl Fitzgerald Hunter, 40, who was wanted out of Spartanburg for an attempted murder, armed robbery and possession of a weapon during a violent crime.

When deputies arrived on scene, they identified themselves to Hunter and was given permission to enter.

As deputies entered the house, they saw Hunter in the back kitchen area. As deputies tried to place Hunter into custody he pulled out a pistol.

The sheriff’s office said two deputies discharged their firearm to stop the threat and Hunter was hit.

Deputies secured the scene and waited until EMS personal arrived. Hunter was pronounced dead at the scene.

The sheriff’s office said no other officers or civilians were injured.

During South Carolina Law Enforcement Division’s investigation, they found Hunter’s loaded pistol under this hand.

After an internal investigation, the deputies’ actions were cleared. According to Sheriff Hobart Lewis, the deputies action to use deadly force was justified under Greenville County Sheriff’s Office policy.

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