GURPS Game Aid v0 8 16-17

4 years ago

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0.8.16 - 3/6/2021

- Bug fix for GCA exports. Now equipment with melee & ranged attacks appear in both (Spears)
- Bug fix for GCA exports (with Armin's help!) Block is calculated correctly for items with DB (shields)
- Add doubleclick edit to NPC Sheet Notes, Melee, Ranged, Ads, Skill and Spells list
- Bug fix for limb, extremity, and eye crippling calculation. Originally the calculation was taking "crippling" as 1/2 HP or 1/3 HP exactly, but the RAW say it should be *over* that threshold. Example: 10 HP character is hit in the arm with 8 points of damage; the arm is crippled if it takes *more than* 5 points of damage (i.e., 6).
- High rate of fire weapons damage is supported directly. Right-click on a damage roll to get a menu to enter the number of hits. There will be a new "ALL THE DAMAGE" draggable section of the damage chat message. Dragging that onto a character will apply all damage rolls in the ADD. The ADD has been enhanced to allow each damage calculation to be displayed, while applying the total.
- Updated GCS import to accept 'uses' and 'maxuses' columns for equipment (requires GCS 4.28 and Master Library 2.9)
- Added Shotgun damage to Apply Damage Dialog.
- Added split buttons to ADD.
- Added navigation footer to GCS Full Sheet.
- Added generic 'weight' icon to character sheet in preparation for (one day) handling metric.
- Added 'apply multiple times' to ADD.
- Added 'Reeling' and 'Tired' buttons to Full and Combat sheet (and Combat tracker)
- Added system setting to allow automatic setting of Reeling and Tired
- Add "Apply Damage to Target" button to Damage Chat Message. If the user who rolled the damage also has set a target, this adds the button only for the GM.
- Better parsing of On-the-Fly formulas in Journal entries (especially unicode characters)
- Restrict Apply Damage Calculator to GM only (system setting)
- Updated /sendmb to allow optional OtF modifier: /sendmb [+1 to hit & +3 luck] playername(s)
- Allow OtF skill check to use a different attribute than the default. (E.g., make a Per-based Traps skill check at -2 for difficulty: "[S:Traps -2 difficulty (Based:Per)]".)
- Allow conditional text for Attribute and Skill checks [!Per ?"You sense something is there", "You hear nothing!"]
- Bug fix for old chat messages. Can now be clicked on
- Added /hp /fp /qty /trackerN chat commands
- Added /qty /uses /status /tracker(name) chat commands
- Added .ra /sendmbs multiline chat msgs \\

0.8.17 - 3/8/2021
- Bug fix for names/names containing '%'
- Bug fix for resource tracker mis-alignment (due to arrow)
- Bug fix for missing hitlocation internationalization
- Bug fixes for Navigation buttons
- Bug fix for ADD Shotgun DR
- Bug fix for GCS import individual melee and ranged notes
- /hp /fp now support dice roll /hp +1d

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