Why is time speeding up? Evolution of spirit (A little more info in description)

3 years ago

Why is time speeding up?
Similar to Terrence Mckenna's claim about time speeding up many people have been feeling like time is going by much faster this year than it has before. It's already March 2021.... Time does seem to be speeding up as well as the evolution of spirit. Things are happening faster in the way that spirit is instant and the body takes time. The gap between the two is closing in and it makes spirit able to manifest much quicker in body.
Many say this is linked to the 5th dimension, that is another way of saying our spirit is more aligned with our body consciousness (mind). Some call this the "new earth" and some say it is the Age of Aquarius. However you want to say it, we are collectively increasing our frequency as a whole. This does not leave anyone behind, even those "low vibrational people" are ascending with us. It's impossible not to ascend. Many people may have to struggle but we are all in this together and doing it as a group is quite exciting. I am expecting massive changes in my life in the next 1 and 1/2 years (around 2023). We will be using different means to measure our experiences and view life. Our lenses of perception will change so much that to try to understand it now is useless. You don't yet have the new scale to be able to measure life by it yet, similar to how you view your actions 10 years ago differently today. Either way, great things, and along with that great growth and possible struggle/friction may be necessary. Growing can be very rough, and that is why increasing the earths vibration is a beautiful thing but it may also look very ugly at times.
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