I'm Gay and a Libertarian Conservative: Here's Why It Doesn't Matter

3 years ago

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Being gay and conservative is a paradox to some individuals. For others, it's the way in which they interact with America's increasingly fractured political system. In a way, sexual minorities with rightward dispositions occupy an interesting space in American politics: They defy the notion that most sexual minorities are progressive, and therefore vote for the Democratic Party. Furthermore, they render useless the idea that certain issues relating to sexuality are inherently politically skewed, thus allowing a diversity of ideas to surround those topics. But there's a dark side to this as well. As Mr. Watson explains, when one's identity becomes the main way they interact with politics, trouble arises on many fronts. Mr. Watson expresses his opinion on this as a gay libertarian-conservative (fashioned as conservatarian coloquially) and he explains his experience dealing with this issue as an individualist.

#LGBTQ #Gay #Politics #Gayconservative #GayLibertarian #Gaysfortrump #homosexual #lgbtqrights #gayrights #republicans #democrats #conservatism #libertarianism #conservative #libertarian

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