Get Ready for Hyper Inflation

3 years ago

Im back! Forced back I should say. Continuing developments have driven me out of my hibernation. The greatest threat to many of us here in America, and probably around the world, is hyper inflation of the US dollar.

I have seen Youtube videos of retired people living on fixed incomes wandering the country because they cannot afford the cost of permanent housing. Bank of America is apparently expecting hyper inflation, and they aren't alone. What does that mean for people who cannot afford permanent housing on $800 a month (not surprise with those numbers)? Well, if you cannot afford housing with $800 today, I can't imagine hyperinflation is going to help with that.

The same is true of 401ks. These types of investments were wiped out in 208 (I know from my own painful experience). Falling market values could bring them down at a time when other savings are being evaporated by hyper inflation. I see a crisis of retired people not being able to take care of themselves.

The government seems to be trying to make it easier to pay off its debts at the expense of you and me. I see major problems ahead, and I do not feel prepared.

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