My California Story

3 years ago

Viewers of the channel have heard me reference several times a period of my life spent in Southern California, but I have never given much detail about it. Today, after several requests, I will be giving you the story of why I was in California, at least as much as I can fit into a 20 minute video.

Before I was an expat, I was the nerd everyone talks about living in their parents basement playing video games. I didn't travel much, I was very awkward socially, but had grown up in a church that likes to send 19 year olds to proselyte in various parts of the world. So, when it came to be my turn, I filled out the paper work, and soon received my "mission call".

I wasn't sent to an exotic country in Asia, or somewhere in South America, instead I was sent to Long Beach California. Little did I know that by going there, I would experience cultures from all over the world in one small area. This was the beginning of what eventually led me to life in China. I have so many stories from this time of my life, that I cannot fit them in the video, but I will give some highlights for your enjoyment.

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