SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN 1970 Weird Experiments Create a Race of Psycho Killers TRAILER (Movie in HD & W/S)

2 years ago

SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN 1970 - A London serial killer named the Vampire Killer drains the blood of his victims. When the killer flees from the police, he runs to a scientist's laboratory & jumps into a tank of acid to destroy himself. This places the investigation onto the strange scientist & his bizarre experiments.

With Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Vincent Price. Enough said, right? (Please subscribe to this channel and my others to catch all of the movies I present, as some are not monetized and/or not searchable)

This is the Trailer, watch the FULL MOVIE in HD & Widescreen on my channel, Classic Horror of the 70s & 80s, link here:

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