Game of Gods - Session 1 Global Ciztizenship & Oneness (Carl Teichrib)

2 years ago

Game of Gods is a comprehensive investigation into the changing nature of Western civilization, the replacement of the Judeo-Christian framework with a new, yet ancient paradigm. (Part 1 0f 2)

It is a journey into the cracks and crevices of big history; an expedition into the expanding realm of transformational movements and influential ideas – forces of change that are shifting how we think, behave, and relate.

Chapter 1: We start by attending an educational conference in 1997, the Global Citizenship 2000 Youth Congress, an event that sought to embed Oneness into the curriculum base. But what is Oneness? And how is it conceived, anticipated, experienced, advanced? Chapter one explores the concept of Oneness as a leading paradigm and worldview, even as it is often unrealized or unacknowledged as such.

Topics: global citizenship, Oprah and new spirituality, flow states, Oneness, One-ism, G.O.D., paganism, myth, world transformation.

Get the book with OVER 1800 footnotes for serious students.

Video Credit: Carl Teichrib

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