How To Fix Hair Transplant Scars - The Only 3 Ways That Work

3 years ago
Thumbnail base image originally seen on, Dr. John Cole's website.
Do you have a bad FUT strip scar from a hair transplant? Have you wanted to know what your options are to deal with it? In this video I discuss the three ways to deal with a wide donor scar and I discuss some of the issues that accompany each method. I've had several strip surgeries myself and after the recent haircut I got, I realized that I should discuss the three ways to deal with an FUT scar and at the same time show off my 20 month hair transplant before and after results from my FUE hair transplant with Dr. Jerry Wong of Hasson & Wong back in 2019. Spoiler alert; I'm happy!

#hairtransplant #joetillman #FUEhairtransplantresults

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