Soul Speak #41 (Nov 10/20) The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you. Repent means to "turn within".

2 years ago

#repentance #repentofsin #kingdomofgod
I was pondering this passage from John 4:21-24 this morning and how Jesus is making the appeal there for us to "go within" for the kingdom of God.... 21 “a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem." (Neither here nor there, but within.)
And then He proceeds with 24 "For The Spirit is God, and it is fitting that those who worship him worship in The Spirit and in The Truth.”
I know I have quoted that passage for years and today it spoke to me a little more deeply by defining "spirit and truth" in more depth.
As I was reading it, I heard it said back to me "in Consciousness (spirit) and Authenticity (truth) of Soul-Self".
The "truth" here was shown to be one's "authentic soul self"... the part of us that "was lost" (fell into unconsciousness or slumber).
Many of us have taken "truth" to refer to Bible facts, you know like the Word is truth... and in my own case, I have spent many years reading it 'unconsciously' and it never touched my authentic soul within, but only the intellect.
Now, that I have dared to give my authentic soul-self a voice... I can truly honour the Divine 'in truth' consciously.

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