Soul Speak #43 (Dec 2/20) Living an "act" from a "Script"(ure) or living in the flow of spontaneity!

2 years ago

#scripture #bible #script

Are you living a "scripted" life based on Scripture, or are you in the spontaneous flow of Divine Spirit?

Here is reflecting a little more on my past Christian life.
I was very much a "the Bible clearly says" legalistic type of person.
Literally living according to "script"(ure) ... and a "script" is pre-scribed and meant to be followed to the letter by the "play-actor"...
I never quite realised it until now, that this "following the script" actually circumvents the opportunity and ability to live spontaneously by inspiration or "by the Spirit".
Five years ago, I had sort of a midlife crisis and cried out to God to help me "not miss His purpose for my life" and I have since then experienced a spiritual awakening that has allowed me to understand things more "by the Spirit" and I have begun living completely "un-scripted".
It feels ALIVE and authentic... and I no longer have to memorise my "next line" to know my next move in life.

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