Natural First Aid Kit | Dr. Jenna Jorgensen

2 years ago

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Natural First Aid Kit

Dr. Jenna Jorgensen, a licensed Naturopathic Physician, is back to share useful information about how to make a Natural First Aid Kit and what holistic home remedies should we have in our home medicine cabinet.

She discusses goldenseal, bentonite clay, Kinesio tape, homeopathic remedies, essential oils and natural mosquito repellant.

In the home, she stresses the importance of hydrotherapy, homeopathy and caster oil packs.
Here’s What You’ll Discover:

-What to do when you feel like you are coming down with a cold or flu.
-What you can do to improve the health of your dog or cat!
-What are the most important items to keep in your medicine cabinet.
-How to make a Natural First Aid Kit and why.
-All natural mosquito repellent!
Health AH-HA Moment:

Your life is medicine. Treat each activity and choice as though it’s your medicine. Dr. Jenna asks us “Life is medicine, how do you want to live your life?”
Your Challenge:

1) Get movement into each and every day! Walk, gym, hike or bike to work, no excuses to get your body moving.
2) Drink enough water (listen to my podcast episode with Dr. Molly on water) What we don’t know is that a lot of what we eat and drink is dehydrating to our body!
3)Focus on eating a “whole food” diet. Organic, of course!

Michael Pollan says “Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Dr. Jenna shares some keys to eating an organic whole foods diet while being busy and on a budget! Look into subscribing to a local C.S.A box (Community Supported Agriculture) and the crock pot is your friend!

*BOOK* Michael Pollan The Omnivore’s Dilemma -

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