Extinguish Thine Torch! Phasmophobia Halloween event with friends, part 2!

3 years ago

A new ghost hunter with a a mighty fine hat is in town. Join Talus Amaranth as he continues to join the realms of the living and the dead.
Luckily he isn't starting off alone, Phoenix from Otterfox productions is on the case, and they're joined by KainVM, an old friend!
Lets settle in for a spoopy ride.

Phasmaphobia was..
Developed and Published by Kinetic Games
Released Sep, 18th 2020
Steam link - https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/

#phasmophobia #ghosts #horror #spicybeans

I'm partnered with Strategy Roasters Coffee! Buy my "Monocle Roast" at https://strategyroasters.com/products/the-monacle-roast-a-talusamaranth-inspired-dark-roasted-colombian-coffee and use code TALUS at checkout for 10% off ANY order, just just on my personal blend!

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This video was edited by RoboRyb!

YouTube - RoboRyb https://www.youtube.com/c/RoboRyb
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