2020 - 2030 "A Promised Land" The Great Reset To Great Tribulation.

2 years ago

Nehemiah Chapter 9.

Praise to God who made heaven and earth and all that is in them. Genesis.

The Red Sea crossing.

Moses and the ten commandments.

Deliverance from Egypt. Obama 2009 "A new Beginning speech"

40 years walking in the wilderness.

Israelites at times were Faithful/obedient and also very rebellious/sinful/wicked towards God of all creation.

God rich in Love, mercy and justice, fairness, but wrath judgment to the disobedient, stiff necked.

God gave them over to oppression by overlords or other nations for sinning against God, Israelites demanded a King they got Saul a play on Donald Trump.

AC Trump lauded/Perceived as a savior but no less a traitor a enemy of Christ no better than his Boss Man of Sin the 666 man The AC Barack Obama.

The 10 commandments shows us right and wrong, Sin,Gods Holiness and perfect will for us. His ultimate justice on judgment day for the soul who dies without Jesus as savior/mediator/pardoner.

True Laws. Good statues and commandments, just ordinances, a happy liberty Justice for all society if we were ever mindful obedient to them as a act of Faith.

God gave his people dominion over the land.

Strong cities. The Israelites when entering THE Promised land inherited strong cities, where things were established already and became there's when they conquered the land from the pagan nations full of giants.

Parallels. To todays climate and situations.

Satan's The New World Order The 2015 17 Sustainability Goals 2030 Agenda.

Precursor to Jesus Christ and his coming millennial kingdom 1000 year reign on earth.

Strong Cities network. Part of the Plan of the New World Order. Satan's
temporary Kingdom.

The Georgia Guidestones. Substitute for Gods Holy Ten Commandments.

Donald Trump the molded calf. (Trump is a distraction one of many NWO Globalists)

2024/2025 Upcoming election Deception/delusion Trump vs Obama staged political theatre to reinstate Obama "The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse".

Obamas Book "A promised land" released 2020 in the 40th Year of the Georgia guidestones since inception 22.3.1980.

2028 Georgia Guidestone 48th Year anniversary. Obama born 4.8.

2028 Israel 80th Year anniversary. 14.5.1948 - 14.5.2028.

Fig Tree generation prophesy of Matthew chapter 24.
Psalm 90:10 "A generation is 80 years"

July 3rd 2028 First 3.5 years of Obama's return is up since 20.1.2025.

World Economic forum Great reset agenda doing with the people of the land what they wished, establishing surveillance draconian "Strong cities" houses full of goods, taking what's not theirs, having dominion over our bodies, and our cattle (Meat will be a treat) "You'll own nothing and be happy about it, at their pleasure. "Up to date status vaccine" WEF The Great Reset.

But their plans will be disrupted. By God himself.

I believe the Great Reset will be followed by Gods Great tribulation which will be seen by most as Climate change/space weather of biblical proportions the likes this world has never seen nor will ever see again.

Its a blasphemous/dark movie by Hollywood but for bible ignorant illiterate people Rapture Palooza shows their understanding of who Obama is and the literal Hell that's coming to all earths inhabitants that are here still alive by that season. Climate change? mere childs play in comparison too what's on the way.

Apophis 99942 13th April 2029. Revelation chapter 8.

Its just the calm before the storm. 2022.

The land and its people are currently being divided up by the Luciferian Globalists. Its called a New World Order or as the bible calls it the 4th kingdom of the beast.

Don't fear man that kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear God who can kill both body and soul and have them both thrown into Hell eternal.

It dosen't have to that way Dear soul. Repent.

The word says one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

Better to do this NOW with free while on this side of eternity rather than the other side (death) when its too late. Hell eternal is the second death.

Not a default by any means. But by choice.

U Tube. cloudbaserapture. Shakingmyhead productions.

Evidence Bible - King James Bible - Watch Living waters Ray Comfort on U tube.

Hope to see you in heaven someday....

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