‘At a Certain Point, You’ve Made Enough Money’ | 1/19/22

3 years ago

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says endorsing Donald Trump is "too much" to ask for right now. COVID on the verge of becoming endemic like the flu. Fauci says something Pat actually agrees with. Why has President Biden been hiding out in Delaware for a significant portion of his presidency? Voter rights hunger strike starting to peter out. Jeffy chews the fat: Senate candidate smokes pot in ad, world record roadside attraction, Madame Tussaud's latest addition, personal air travel is here. Is Pluto a planet or not? NFL player has a rough time in Florida. Has Joe Biden changed his position on the filibuster? Democrats still think black people don’t have IDs? Pfizer’s new COVID pill appears to be very similar to ivermectin. Keanu Reeves is embarrassed by how much money he has made. The rover on Mars might have found something interesting.

Disclaimer: The content of this clip does not provide medical advice. Please seek the advice of local health officials for any COVID-19 and/or COVID vaccine related questions & concerns.

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