The Infinite Star Connections - Ep.018 - Guest Kevin Estrella

3 years ago

Kevin is a world-class musician of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars. Kevin has been welcomed deep into the UFO community after having his own first-hand encounter with something not of this world. He has now begun speaking publicly and has been a featured guest on over 15 UFO radio talk shows. He comes to ArtistFirst to introduce guests who have been on-board alien craft and have had direct contact with Extraterrestrial beings.

Kevin will introduce us to many Alien/Human Hybrids who are currently on this planet. Find out how and why they are here to help humanity during this historic period of awakening. Not many musicians have captured the interests of off-world visitors like Kevin Estrella. Kevin is no stranger to the UFO phenomena when an interdimensional craft flew within 100 yards of him August 21, 2014. His sighting was investigated and verified by MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). He has had contact at least three times with craft of unearthly origin.

Inspired the by the studies of UFOs, aliens and the artifacts of in our solar system, PYRAMIDS ON MARS is an embodiment of spacey music that brings both worlds together as both a musical concept, and message to the world of the alien presence. Formed in 2011, PYRAMIDS ON MARS is the solo creation of guitarist Kevin Estrella who offers an aural palette of intense, emotional, 3-dimensional, heavy and melodic progressive rock/ metal that includes a range of influences such as classical music from Baroque composers J.S Bach and Antonio Vivaldi along with today's guitar virtuosos Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Satriani.

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