Marion Square Mayhem In Charleston, SC They Don't Understand, THEY Are The Bad Guys!!

3 years ago

MUST WATCH Antifa was screaming at the police and passers-by this past weekend, They were acting dead until they spotted JT Bessinger and us, with The Overton Report, but once they spotted us, they went INSANE!! It really was a trip. Then on our way back, they jumped some people across the street, causing absolute chaos. Once the police helped them, and arrested one of the people they ran up on, the self-proclaimed "anarcho-communists" went right back to screaming at the police. Really interesting examples of Cognitive Dissonance on display!! and dead silence from "local" corporate media, as well as City of Charleston, SC Government and Mayor John Tecklenburg but what else did you expect?
#antifasucks #charleston #southcarolina #conservatism #liberty #cancelculture

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