Hacked by Russians!? | 3/1/22

3 years ago

"Pat Gray Unleashed" runs into some technical difficulties to start the show. Were we hacked by Russians? Everyone seems to be behind Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his stand for his country. President Biden looks like he’s simply trying not to fall as he walks to the White House. Biden immediately just says “No” when asked if we should be worried about nuclear war. It looks like the White House dog now has his own Twitter! Russian troops are leaving behind weapons and equipment. FIFA has banned Russia from participating. Switzerland has chosen a side in this conflict. A Ukrainian official says they are fighting for “this New World Order.” The COVID numbers are going down across the board! Bill Gates warns of another pandemic looming in the future. Joe Rogan speaks out against Bill Gates. Joe Biden claims that the black vote is being suppressed more than any other time in history.

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