Women try to get men to say yes to marriage. It brutally backfires on them.

2 years ago

In this video, you will see men rejecting women's marriage proposals. millions of men are opting out of marriage, dating, and relationships as it is a huge liability getting involved with a woman today. Some women were told they were alpha females, and boss babes. This has led some of them trying to strong arm a man into marriage. Also, they often set up the proposal in a public setting. They do this as a form of pressure, hoping the man will say yes, even though he really did not want to. If the man says no In front of everyone, they will think he is the bad guy and shame him. When a man gets married in 2022 he is signing his life away and putting his life in her hands. At anytime, for any reason after that, she can end it, and you are powerless to stop it.
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