Canadian Pastor Went to the Freedom Convoy & Got BEATEN by Police | Guest: Steve Richardson | Ep 568

3 years ago

Today we're hitting two topics: the CDC's new, lower expectations for child speech development, which totally have nothing to do with how harmful masks are for young kids, and the police crackdown on the Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa, Canada. The police and media are trying to keep the truth from surfacing, but it's clear that the police are being way too heavy-handed in their approach. Then, we talk to Canadian Pastor Steve Richardson, who attended the protests as a bystander but was beaten by police anyway just for being there.

#canada #news #politics



00:00 | Introduction
02:15 | CDC quietly lowers their standards/milestones for speech development in 2 yr olds
19:48 | Why we're talking about Canada so much right now
31:47 | On-the-ground footage from the Ottawa protesters & police
39:47 | Interview with Steve Richardson, pastor in Ontario, Canada


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Previous Episodes Mentioned:

Ep 544: Why American COVID Policy Has Failed Us & How to Fix It | Guest: Dr. Bret Weinstein

Ep 538: Conversion Therapy & Canada's Assault on Christianity | Guest: Dr. Joseph Boot

Ep 401: Joy in Jail & Peace Through Persecution | Guest: Pastor James Coates

Ep 564: Trudeau Crushes Freedom Convoy with Martial Law | Guest: Ezra Levant

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Canadian Pastor Went to the Freedom Convoy & Got BEATEN by Police | Guest: Steve Richardson | Ep 568

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