Great Revelations from a Yogi Master with Stewart and Katherine Part 2 o 2 at Battle

2 years ago

Katherine Armitage; Yoga teacher & homeopathy practitioner taught Homeopathy for Lake-land College of Homeopathy and ran healing/cleansing retreats at Cranleigh House. . She is now devoting her energy to activism to create a better world through campaigning to stop the roll out of 5G, producing Brighter Times Mag-azine, working with GB Unites - running common law peace constable trainings for empowerment.

Stewart Johnston is a Kundalini Yoga teacher & Peace constable trainer, a retired aircraft engineer who has worked throughout Europe and the Middle East. Learning TM (Transcendental Meditation) at 25 he’s always had a keen interest in life’s mysteries, particularly studying the work & life of self-realised English Yogi Master George King and putting his teachings into practice. Stewart and Katherine will show you ways to enhance your personal magnetism and put into action powerful mystical practices for sending out energy. Dive deep into the astounding truths that have been kept from us about Life after death, Karma and Reincarnation including a live transmission from a Cosmic Master, the Solar System and our evolution, the reason why we are experiencing world chaos, who is behind it and how we get out of it. Learn the most practical ways to help our world in these exciting times.

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