Scaling back on YouTube and promoting the 6/25/022 Surge and Purge Summit

2 years ago

Acting Vice Chair Buddy Bishop and Chairman Nelson Velez discuss the recent problems with the VATP's YouTube Channel and the upcoming June 24th Surge and Purge Summit.

Notice: We are greatly altering our content on YouTube.
Maybe it's better to consider it radical "LeftTube"?
We have been simultaneously posting on both YouTube and Rumble for nearly two years in anticipation of this day - Today - when it's clear that we've been "noticed".
We have three videos that have been purged:
They are still on Rumble however! -
All good Americans must stay connected with each other.
Spot of TEA - Democrat Crime Bosses.
VATP 2021 Summit - Tim Meisburger.
It's additionally likely that we'll spotted in this (FB/META/WTF) platform and seen as unfit for it eventually.
If, after 18 months, they're bothering to notice terms like stolen election, liberty, and freedom of speech - what are they also "noticing" about you?
Stay vigilant! (and visit us on Rumble!)

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