Camille Vasquez & Ben Chew Deliver EPIC Closing to Johnny Depp Trial! Elaine & Rotternborn HUGE FAIL

2 years ago

Closing Arguments are in the books and most of them were well delivered; with one notable exception...

Camille Vasquez knocked it out of the park with her half of the proper Close and later the Rebuttal. Ben Chew walked everyone on the Jury through the instructions and the technical matters in expert fashion. Johnny greeted everyone with a nice, wholesome hug when it was all said and done.

Ben Rottenborn, to his credit, did the best he could with what he had. Some half-assed argument involving the First Amendment? and the more technical side of defamation that isn't fooling anyone at this point. But he carried on the narrative that everyone is on Johnny Depp's payroll and Amber Heard is the victim. Noble cause to placate the psychopathic client.

Elaine Bredehoft is a catastrophic idiot. Her closing argument was the textbook definition of how NOT to do a close. It was spectacular, for all the wrong reasons.

The Jury has been sent home at time of writing, so this will continue into next week.

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