How To Solve America’s Mass Shooting Problem/ The Best Solutions Ignored By Congress

2 years ago

Earlier this week in Uvalde, Texas, Salvador Ramos killed 19 kids and 2 adults at Robb Elementary School. Several others were rushed to the hospital to be treated. Yesterday Beto O'rourke interrupted Governor Greg Abbott's press conference to blame guns for the atrocity. President Joe Biden took the time to blame firearms as the root cause in his press conference. However, As the investigation developed, the Washington Post released an article after interviewing several of the shooter's peers. The article gives insight into the shooter's home life and personal problems he had unfortunately been dealing with since middle school. An extensive history of bullying, drug use in the home, and violent encounters that even lead to the cops getting involved in several domestic disputes. Mental Health played a major role in this 18-year-old's decision to carry out this cowardly act of violence. #SalvadorRamos #Uvalde #Texasshooter #RobbElementary #Washingtonpost #CNN #FoxNews #MentalHealth #betoO'rourke #JoeBiden #GregAbbott

Last weekend in Buffalo, New York, Peyton Gendron shot 13 people and killed 10 at a Tops Market in a racially fueled attack. Prior to this disgusting, hateful attack, he wrote a 180-page manifesto outlining extensive details about his ideology and goals. President Joe Biden spoke live about the incident today and promoted a ban on assault rifles. #Buffaloshooting #communism #tuckercarlson #facism #racism #manifesto #massshooter #CNN #Foxnews

But In this video I have provided an in-depth description of solutions I would suggest if I were in office and how they would be funded!

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